xi class admission fee payment feature image

How to pay XI class admission fee by bKash?

Dear HSC admission students, XI class admission will be begging on 9 August 2020 to 20 August 2020. If you are xi class admission students, then you have to know the admission process and payment system before application. You can apply for XI class admission 2020 from 09 August to 20 August 2020. Before application, you have to pay Tk.150/- by any payment method. There are many payment methods for XI class admission 2020-2021.

At this moment you can pay by 6 payment methods for the XI class admission fee 2020. Such as Rocket, Bkash, Nagad, Sure Cash, Teletalk, and Sonali Bank. Bkash is one of them because you have a Bkash account and install apps. Then you have to pay for the XI class admission fee 2020. Do you worried to take pay for XI admission? Now we will share with you how to pay for admission fees using Bkash apps or accounts. Step by step is given below. So you have to follow these methods below.

Payment Process through Bkash apps for “XI class admission.”:

You are a Bkash account holder and will be installing Bkash apps. Then you are eligible for pay XI class admission fee 2020 by Bkash account or apps. Now we will guideline step by step that how to pay for the XI class admission fee by Bkash apps. The process will be given in the below:

  • Firstly, Open your Bkash apps by username & password.
  • Secondly, from Bkash apps screen, select “pay bill”
  • Thirdly, Tap education institute and select “XI class admission”
  • Fourthly, Select and enter “Board name, passing year, Roll number and Mobile no”
  • Fifthly, check fee amount and tap go to after screen.
  • Sixthly, Enter your Bkash account pin.
  • Seventhly, Tap and take some time in the below parts to complete the pay the bill.
  • Eighthly, After completing the pay bill, then you will a confirmation message for Bkash.
  • Ninthly, you can see digital Resit from Bkash apps.
  • Finally, the pay bill will successful.

Finally, we will highlight all processes of bkash. you can follow this process for the Xi class admission fee payment by bkash. if you have any questions on this topic. please comment on the below box. we reply as soon as possible. thanks for all.

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