Satkhira Line All Counter Number, Location, Fare list & Sehedule

Satkhira Line All Counter Number, Location, Fare list & Schedule

Satkhira Paribahan Din is a good, comfortable, and popular transport for the people of Bangladesh and the Satkhira district. This transport operates buses from Dhaka to various routes in Satkhira district and the transport is of the good modern model, the quality of the vehicle is improved and the main difficulty is to read low fares, arrive on time and the bus authorities are sincere. This is why many commuters want to travel comfortably through transport which is why they want to collect the addresses and phone numbers of the nearest and other counters.

Passengers can avail of more services and easily find the address and mobile number of any counter. That’s why we have attached all the company addresses here, including mobile numbers.

Satkhira transport route

Here we will share with you a list of Satkhira Paribahan routes from Dhaka to Satkhira and other routes so that you can easily gain a thorough knowledge of Satkhira Paribahan routes.

Dhata to Satkhira, Dhaka to Khulna, Dhaka to Jesshore

Satkhira Paribahan counter and mobile number

You can easily know or collect the mobile number and address of the Satkhira Paribahan counter from here

Dhaka All Counter & Mobile Number

Satkhira Paribahan has three counters in Dhaka district in Shyamoli, Nabinagar and Gabtali areas. If you want to go from Dhaka to Satkhira or any other place, you have to book a ticket at any of the counters. Seats, counters, and addresses with three mobile numbers are mentioned.

Counter Name and Address Mobile Number
Gabtali Counter, Dhaka District City Phone: 01401-123128, 01401-123130.
Nabinagar Counter, Dhaka Phone: 01401-123132.
Shyamoli Counter, Dhaka Phone: 01401-123126, 01401-123127.

Other counters of Satkhira Paribahan

Satkhira Paribahan has many more capabilities. Apart from Dhaka, if you want to know the address and mobile number of all the counters, you can know the address and mobile number of all the counters from below. Below is the detailed address, phone number, and details of each counter. From here you can find the counter you need.

Counter Name and Address Mobile Number
Satkhira Counter Phone: 01401-123143, 01401-123146.


Savar Counter, Dhaka Phone: 01401-123131.
Jessore Counter Phone: 01401-123133.


Navaron Counter Phone: 01401-123135.


Kalaroa Counter, Phone: 01401-123137.
Chinetola Counter Phone: 01401-123139.
Chuknagar Counter, Phone: 01401-123141.
Jhikargachha Counter Phone: 01401-123134.
Bagamchara Counter Phone: 01401-123136.
Monirampur Counter Phone: 01401-123138.
Keshabpur Counter Phone: 01401-123140.
Patkelghata Counter Phone: 01401-123142.
Parulia Counter Phone: 01401-123147.
Nalta Counter Phone: 01401-123148.
Shyamnagar Counter Phone: 01401-123150.
Kaliganj Counter, Phone: 01401-123149.

From the above discussion, it is understood that this transport is an important mode of transport from Dhaka to the people of Satkhira district along with providing improved services to the passengers. That is why we have attached the location, mobile number, and detailed information of all counters and all other counters in the Dhaka district for the convenience of passengers. So you can collect your address and phone number at any counter as per your requirement from here.

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