HSP Scholarship MIS 2021

HSP Scholarship MIS 2022 | HSP MIS Login 103.48 16.248 8080

HSP Scholarship MIS Login 2022: The Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary provides scholarships for secondary and higher secondary students. Thus the Secondary and Higher Secondary Authority has issued an important notice regarding HSP Scholarship MI.

 As a result, a large number of students from all over the country were helped to continue their studies. The organization must provide input to selected students for the 2022 scholarship for the selected stipend program. So we will discuss all the information related to HSP Scholarship MIS program here in this article

What is HSP Scholarship MIS Program ( সমন্বিত উপবৃত্তি কর্মসূচি)?

HSP means a harmonious stipend program. Our government has given utmost importance to the education sector and the Ministry of Education has been providing scholarships to the students on a priority basis to increase their focus on their studies. This HSP Scholarship is one of the best initiatives of the MIS Authority. This instruction applies to students in grades six to twelve as directed by the authorities. So we have provided information on what steps secondary teachers in this instruction will take to enter the names of students and their parents.

Instruction & Circular by the HSP Scholarship MIS Authority

Under the Surela stipend program, the authorities have provided guidance on opening HSP MIS accounts and accessing information for students in grades six to eleven.

  • Complete information as per these instructions can be found on the officer’s site and the announcement has already been published.
  • The information of the students selected for the stipend of 6th class in 2021 academic year and 11th class of 2019-20 academic year in the educational institution covered under the program has to do the entry by the educational institution in the online software link of HSP MIS from 08/10/2020 to 07/11/2020.

How to Open MIS Account of HSP Scholarship?

The HSC Scholarship is a supportive scholarship for MIS Secondary Higher Secondary students. Selected students need to open an account to get scholarships so we have explained the rules of opening an account step by step below.

  • The selected students can use any online bank account having 13 to 17 digits or any mobile banking account.
  • The online bank account or mobile banking account must be opened by using the national ID cards of selected students’ father or mother.
  • If any student has a previous account, then there is no necessity to open an account again.
  • If a parent has more than one child studying in the secondary or higher secondary level, then separate accounts should be opened for different students using the father’s or mother’s nationals ID card.
  • The national ID card number of parents in the accounts must be the same as the national ID card number of parents in the HSP MIS portal.

 Profile Update/ Data Entry instruction:

Here is the process for Mis account open data entry instruction here-

Step 1: After Login in HSP MIS Scholarships, Tap on the Configuration Button from the menu.

Step 2: Tap on Institution information Button.

Step 3: Select the Institutions from the search bar and tap on confirm button.

Step 4: Then, Fill up all the required information- Institution Information, List of students, Address, Payment Method, and Information.

Step 5: Respective Institutions have to input the number of the boys/girls of class 6-12 in the respective boxes.

Step 6: Now, Input the Bank Account Number [It is important, Cause the scholarship amount will be sent to this number]

Step 7: After fill up all the information, review the information and tap on Submit Button.

HSP MIS Students Data Entry instruction

HSP MIS Login- Students Data Entry Instructions:
The Secondary Upazila Education Officer has approved that all the students who have gone home under the simple recitation program have to enter the data. Below is a sample of the data that students need to fill out and provide.

  • Input the Birth Certificate Number as Students UID [Birth Certificate Number must be in 17 Digits]
  • Only the students from classes 6-11 can apply for these scholarships.
  • Have to input the Father/mothers/Gordian’s National ID Card Number [10/17 Digits]
  • For getting the scholarships money, Respective body have to use Mobile Banking
  • Payment Method such as bKash, Rocket, Nagad etc.
  • The respective body has to input 11/12 digits Mobile Banking Account Number.
  • They can only use Father/Mothers/Guardian Account Name and Number.

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