city bank agent banking feature image

City Bank Agent Banking Routing number, swiftcode, charge, limit, helpline number, career & Everything.

City Bank Agent Banking Service refers to banking-deprived people who don’t get banking services. These people don’t go to banks with different causes of banking service. Agent banking is helping them. They can take service from rural area agent banking points. But they need to know how to handle this banking service. City Bank recently launched an agent banking service and its first outlet, Mohammadpur, in Dhaka. According to New Business, the city bank will provide various services, including cash deposits and withdrawals, balance inquiries, inward foreign remittance disbursement, fund transfers, utility bill payments, and micro-credit facilities. We are glad to launch our Agent Banking services, which is increasing development for unbanked rural people and credit growth in micro-finances for a better Bangladesh.

We will provide all services, facilities, and information about city bank agent banking here. Because here’s the step-by-step guide on how a customer can get the service, where to get it, and what to do. To get more information, you will stay and read our content. Here is the given detailed news below.

Logo of Bank Asia AB

The logo means to identify a photo of a Bank. Do some people want to see how the agent banking logo works? Here is the logo so that you can see and save it.

city bank agent banking logo

Routing Number of AB

A routing number is nine digits of a bank, which is very important for the transaction. Do you want to remittance for foreign? Then you will need this number several times. So, this number is very essential for online transactions.

    Here is the Agent Banking

                      Routing number-225272684

Helpline Number

Every bank has a call center with some numbers to contact. An account holder can call the call center any time or 24 hours to solve any problem.

This is the City Bank Agent Banking

          Helpline Number-16234 (locally) or +88-02-8331040 (from overseas).

Swift Code Number

Every bank has a fixed swift code number. This quick Code number is used for various purposes. Here is the given swift Code number.

        This is the swift Code number- CIBLBDDH.

Transaction Charges

Here are the transaction charges below. So you can see all transaction charges from the list.

Transaction Limits

Now, we will describe all transaction limits. There is no transaction limit mention of city bank agent banking. When will we open an account at a city bank? Then, they will provide an account opening form to fill out all information. This form will contain a transaction profile page. This transaction profile page will have the transaction limit. In this way, we will give the transaction limit. Are you clear about the limit? For more information, go to the nearest agent outlet point or call the call center.

Agent Banking outlet location with address

Do you want to open an account? You will go to the nearest outlet if you want to know any information. So you can visit our website to get your required nearest agent outlet. When you click the pdf file, you can see all the lists and find your nearest outlet.

                                         Agent Banking outlet list (PDF):

Eligibility of Account Holder

To open an account, you will have the documents below.

  • Nationality has to be Bangladeshi
  • Age should be above 18 years (except for student account)
  • NID/passport/driving license/local chairman’s certificate with attested photo/birth certificate and any photo-ID
  • 2 (Two) copies of photographs of the customer
  • 1 (One copy) passport photo and photo ID of the nominee
  • The customer must have an updated trade license to open a business account

Debit card

An account holder can use a debit card agonist on this agent banking account and cash withdrawals from City Bank ATMs nationwide. The debit card has a yearly charge. This annual charge is 500+75=575/- (with VAT), which will be charged from your account directly. After activating this card, you can withdraw cash from City Bank’s ATM. On the other hand, you can also use internet transactions under this debit card. We will mention the ATM transaction limit below.

ATM Card limit ATM transaction Amount
10 (per day) Tk. 100000 (per day)
As transaction profile will have to depend on a monthly limit As the transaction profile will have to rely on the monthly Amount

Note that This ATM card will be collected from the outlet or Branch.

Cheque issue

It is a matter of discussion about the Cheque issue. You can also make cash withdrawals by cheque without fingerprint and ATM. If you have enough money in your account, then you can withdraw any amount from your account. How do you receive your account cheque? So you need to know about this system. You can apply for a cheque from the outlet or Branch. Then, complete the process so you can receive your cheque.

How do you bring remittance from abroad?

Remitters can send remittances from foreign countries. The remitted money will be transferred to the beneficiary’s Agent Banking account within 24-72 hours, and the beneficiary will receive an SMS about the deposit.

How many ways Remitter can bring remittance from abroad?

A Remitter living abroad from Bangladesh can also send Remittances in two ways. Such as-

  1. Agent Banking Account Number by directly and
  2. PIN Number.

If you want to send a remittance, then you will be provided an Exchange House-

(1). Beneficiary’s Account Holder Name, (2). Bank Name (City Bank Limited),

(3). Agent Banking Account Number and (4). Amount.

How to withdraw remittance:

  • You can visit to get remittance any city bank branch or city Agent Banking outlet
  • The beneficiary will Submit NID/PIN (Request Form) to the City bank authorized Agent Outlet Point to withdraw the remitted amount.
  • Agent Outlet Teller uploads the NID/PIN to the City Bank System.
  • City Bank Verify the data & transfers the fund to the Agent Outlet Account for further payment to the beneficiary.

3% Bonus offer running: Are you a City Bank agent banking account holder? Are you interested in getting a remittance bonus? Then you have to bring remittance who lives abroad from foreign?

Career or job:

City Bank is the most valuable bank in Bangladesh. Recruitment of some employees every year. Do you want to get a bank job at the city bank?

How to apply?

You can register anytime at the City Bank system by filling out our Online Application Form. For future reference, use your E-mail address as your user ID. We discourage hardcopy of resumes and promote online application systems. One of the highlights of our online application system is that you can track the status of your resume in our selection process.

The process of Applying:

Please log on to our Career Page of “The City Bank Limited” official website at the following link: Click on the tab “Opportunities and see all the information, then click on the “current vacancies” button on this page. Click on the” job applied for” then you will get an application form; you will fill up the bank requirement on this page. Then you will upload your photo and CV and summit, and next time, you will get all calls/information from the bank in your Gmail or over the phone.

Bank Asia Agent Banking services

This bank will provide many services. You can see at a glance all services from below:

  • Opening savings, Saving /current, pay scale, student, and other accounts
  • Cash in and withdrawal
  • Transferring funds to other banks or accounts without any hassle
  • Providing remittance money
  • Balance Check
  • Mini statement
  • Taking bills (electricity bill, gas bill, mobile bill, etc)
  • Taking clearing cheque
  • Accepting applications for micro and agriculture loans
  • DPS/fixed deposit services
  • FDR Service
  • Taking admission to school and college fees

Agent Banking Head office address

  • City Bank Center
  • 136, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-2
  • Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
  • Hunting numbers: 02 58813483, 58814375,
  • 58813126, 58813126
  • Fax: 02 9884446
  • Website:
  • E-mail:

Finally, we want to say that the above service of this bank is available here. So This bank will provide more services tomorrow. To learn more about our services on our website, please stay with us and read content regularly.

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