Sonya Enterprise AC Bus Ticket Counter Number & Price
Sonya Ticket Counter Number, Price, address, and more News! Dear Travel lover, we shall introduce you to a good AC bus which name is Sonya Enterprise. Sonya is one of the popular transfer services in Bangladesh. This Company has many AC buses. All bus is of high quality. Sonya Enterprise AC bus is running Tangail to Dhaka and Dhaka to Tangail Route. If you are a passenger of Tangail to Dhaka or Dhaka to Tangail, then you can comfortable journey through Sonya Enterprise.
Are you looking for a Sonya Ticket Counter address and Ticket Counter contract Number? Stay with our website and reading content regularly. You will get all information such as Sonya address, contract number, and price, etc. For all interested passengers who are like to Ac bus, this post will help them. This AC bus is continuing Tangail to Dhaka route and Dhaka to Tangail route. All information is available on this bus here. If you need more information, let’s read and collect it from the below content.
Sonya Bus Schedule Time and Route
- Route: Tangail>kortia> Savar> Kalyanpur
- Tangail Counter Time: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.
- Dhaka Counter time: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.
Mobile: Tangail- 01700994751, 01991-917380,
Savar- 01991-917382
Kalyanpur- 01700994752, 01991-917381,
Sonya Enterprise Ac Bus Ticket Price
Sonya Ac Bus Ticket fixed Price Tk.250/- till now. It is a cheap price than the other bus. If you are comparing other Paribahan, you will see that the Price of Sonya bus is low and its service is comfortable with other Paribahan. if you are a passenger of Tangail or Dhaka, you can a Comfortable journey on the Sonya bus. Both route Bus service prices is the same.
Sonya Enterprise Tangail Ticket Counter Number
Sonya Bus provides a ticket from the Tangail counter. Who will journey Tangail to Dhaka, they have to buy a ticket from Tangail Counter? That’s why you need to get Sonya Tangail’s ticket counter Number. We will share with you the Tangail counter contract number so that you can easily ticket booking or return ticket booking. You can know the contract number from the below content:
Sonya Enterprise AC Bus Tangail Counter Contact Number: 01912081358, 01977178797.
Sonya Enterprise Dhaka Ticket Counter Number
Sonya Enterprise Dhaka ticket Counter is Kalyanpur (Khaleque petrol pump). This bus provides a ticket from here. You need a ticket for this bus. Then you have to go to this counter or contract with them by calling the phone for a ticket book. Here is the contact number for your kind information.
Sonya Enterprise AC Bus Dhaka Counter Contact Number: 01704811006, 01724592058.
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