19th Week Assignment Syllabus and Answer Sheet 2022 Classes 6, 7, 8 and 9
19th Week Assignment Syllabus Published: Welcome to 19th Week Assignment Syllabus. Dear Student Friends Did you know that the assignment syllabus for the 19th week has already been published by the Department of Secondary Education on their own website for grades six through nine. The Hey Syllabus was published on 5 October 2021. The syllabus is attached to our website PDF file can be easily downloaded from here.
You can also download the syllabus from the official website. Students from class VI to class IX must collect the syllabus and submit the assignment to the class teacher within one week based on this syllabus. Because by evaluating on the assignment you will be evaluated to pass the next class.
So today we will discuss with you the answer sheets of the 19th-week assignment syllabus for sixth to class 9 students. In this assignment, the syllabus and answer sheets of all the subjects in each class have been provided separately so that every student can collect the answer sheets and syllabus from here. Let us then collect and create assignments from here as each class has been sequentially linked separately below.
19th Week Assignment Syllabus Circular 2021
Today 5th October 2021 the 19th-week assignment syllabus for sixth to Class 9 students has been published by the Department of Education on their official website. We have downloaded this notice from our official website and attached it to our website.
19th Assignment Syllabus All subjects of 6 class
If you are a sixth grader then the Class 6 assignment notice and syllabus have been published on the official website. And we have linked this syllabus to our website so that you can easily download and create assignments. Create assignments for science, Islam, and moral education for Class 6 students. That is why we have attached the syllabus of these two subjects here.
19th-week assignments 7 Class all subjects
Class 7 students need to create assignments on science Islam and ethics. The Department of Education has released the assignment syllabus on these two topics for this week. So we have attached the assignment syllabus on these two subjects to the seventh graders who can download it from here.
19th-week assignment syllabus 8 Class All subjects
The Ministry of Education has released the Assignment Syllabus for Science, Islam, and Ethics for the Class 8 students this week so that the students can prepare and submit the assignment in time and they will be evaluated based on this assignment. So today we have attached the main syllabus on these two topics here students download from here.
Assignment in 19th week 9 Class All subjects
Class 9 students need to create assignments in several subjects. That’s why this week the Department of Education and their official website have published the assignment syllabus for all Class 9 subjects. Class 9 students need to create assignments in Science, Home, Mathematics, Higher Mathematics. So today we have downloaded the syllabus of all these subjects from the official website and attached it here. Quickly download and collect the syllabus from here.
Last but not least, the Department of Secondary Education has released this week’s Main Syllabus Notification on its official website on October 5, 2021, for all students in grades six through nine. On the basis of this syllabus, all students have to create assignments for each subject. The assignment for next week will then be published. No matter what class you are in, you must create an assignment. This is why you need to collect this syllabus. Let’s collect the assignment syllabus on all subjects of all classes on our website. Collect from here