Dhaka to Satkhira to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price & Schedule
We all know that all places in Bangladesh are connected with Dhaka and Satkhira is no exception. The distance from Dhaka to Satkhira is 257 kilometers. If you are a regular bus passenger on Dhaka to Satkhira route and travel by regular bus then you need to know about an accurate and reliable bus.
Then your trip will be comfortable and safe. So you can know more about different bus ticket prices. Below we have collected some reliable bus and bus company names which are a reliable and comfortable bus. Read the article below carefully for details.
Dhaka to Satkhira Bus Ticket Price & Schedule
Some important and reliable buses run on the Dhaka to Satkhira route, among them are Saudia, Hanif, SP Golden Line and MR Enterprise. All these buses provide good service to the passengers. Do you want to know all these bus schedules and ticket prices?
However, it is important to know that there are different schedules and ticket prices for different buses. Today we have collected the prices of AC and non-AC seats for you here. However, ticket prices may vary according to the bus agency. Keep an eye out for details.
Satkhira to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price & Schedule
among them is Saudia, Hanif, SP Golden Line, and MR Enterprise. All these buses provide good service to the passengers. Do you want to know all these bus schedules and ticket prices? Keep an eye out for details.